Darrell Ford, President

Mr. Ford is the Indigenous (Métis) founder and President of IQ Energy Inc. Mr. Ford has over 25 years of experience in corporate development and commercial deployment that has involved a number of new or emerging green-energy technologies – both as an inventor and as a member of the Senior Management team responsible for the overall venture. Darrell also brings extensive experience and ongoing business development guidance as well as corporate infrastructure management, technology licensing management, dealer network management, IP/Patent management to the company. In addition to management and leadership contributions, Darrell also brings significant personal technical expertise to the IQ team, gained from being intimately involved over the years in technical activities such as the co-invention/development of the companies Indirect Staged Gasification technology; lead development role of other ‘air-blown’ gasification systems (not owned by IQ); Natural Gas compression (piston and turbine systems) and de-hydration, pipeline transportation, gas production control and instrumentation and remote production plant construction; various green-energy/fuel plant design and industrial construction projects requiring overall senior project management. He has also done extensive work in sourcing, design integration and costing of auxiliary equipment required to support bio-energy gasification systems in general and most recently the IQ Indirect Staged Gasification systems.

Further Leadership Team

Ken Davison

VP of Technology

Lonny Thiessen


Roland Thiessen
